Can kids come?
Children of all ages are welcome to attend the ceremony, which will be held in an enclosed garden.
Unfortunately we cannot accommodate children at the reception, which will be adults only (save for newborns of course!).
All children attending the ceremony will be given icy poles and confetti throwing duties, so please let us know if they are coming (and advise of any allergies!).
What’s the deal with gifts?
Celebrating with you on our special day is the only gift we need.
However, if you would like to celebrate with a gift, for your convenience we have set up an online registry for the items we covet!
You can view our registry by clicking HERE. Please note that we do not mind if you prefer to celebrate with a gift that is ‘off-script’!
What is ‘al fresco cocktail’?
Yes, we made up a dress code.
But what we really mean by ‘al fresco cocktail’ is dressy, colourful but appropriate for an outdoor garden party.
With that in mind, it is probably best to leave your stilettos at home and opt for some footwear that won’t sink into the grass!
We want you to be comfortable, so please prioritise dressing appropriately for the weather over donning your most fabulous of outfits. While the average temperature for Merricks in January is about 25 degrees, anything can happen…
See picture below for an idea of what we are thinking.